/ The Tsar's Bride


Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

The Tsar's Bride

Opera in 3 acts (12+)



About the performance
Authors and directors
Марфа - Венера Протасова
Григорий Грязной - СТАНИСЛАВ ТРИФОНОВ (Национальный Большой театр Республики Беларусь)
Любаша - ЕКАТЕРИНА СЕРГЕЕВА (Мариинский театр)
Иван Лыков - СЕРГЕЙ РАДЧЕНКО (Москва)
Малюта Скуратов - СЕРГЕЙ КОВНИР (Национальная Опера Украины им.Т.Шевченко) 
Елисей Бомелий - МАРАТ ГАЛИ (Большой театр России)
Домна Сабурова - ЕЛЕНА ВИТМАН (Мариинский театр)
Opera in 3 acts (12+)

World premiere of 1899
Production 2019
Музыка Николая Римского-Корсакова
Либретто Н.Римского-Корсакова и И.Тюменева по одноименной драме Л.Мея

Музыкальный руководитель постановки – Ариф Дадашев
Режиссер-постановщик – Михаил Панджавидзе 
Художник-постановщик – Гарри Гуммель 
Художник по костюмам – Нина Гурло
Художник по свету - Сергей Шевченко 
Хормейстер – Любовь Дразнина 
Time: Autumn, 1572
Place: Aleksandrovsky settlement, Moscow, Russia

Act 1: The Feast
The oprichnik (bodyguard) Gryaznoi loves Marfa, daughter of the merchant Sobakin, even though Gryaznoi already has a mistress, Lyubasha, whom he has neglected of late. Marfa is already beloved of the boyar Lykov. In a jealous rage against Lykov, Gryaznoi arranges to cast a spell on Marfa with a magic potion from Bomelius, the Tsar's physician. Lyubasha has overheard Gryaznoi's request.

Act 2: The Love Philtre
Lyubasha in turn obtains from Bomelius another magic potion with which to cancel any feelings of Gryaznoi for Marfa. Bomelius consents, but at the price of an assignation with Lyubasha for himself.

Act 3: The Best Man
In the meantime, the Tsar of the title, Ivan IV (known as "Ivan the Terrible"), is looking for a new bride from the best aristocratic maidens in Russia. The Tsar settles upon Marfa. At the celebration of the engagement of Marfa to Lykov, everyone is surprised when the news arrives of the Tsar's choice of Marfa as his bride. Gryaznoi had slipped what he thought was the love potion from Bomelius into Marfa's drink at the feast.

Act 4: The Bride
At the Tsar's palace, Marfa has become violently ill. Lykov has been executed, at the instigation of Gryaznoi, on charges of attempting to kill Marfa. When Marfa learns that Lykov is dead, she goes insane. Eventually, Gryaznoi admits that he had slipped a potion into her drink, and after learning that it was poisonous, asks that he himself be executed. Lyubasha then confesses that she had substituted her potion from Bomelius for Gryaznoi's. In a rage, Gryaznoi murders Lyubasha, and is then taken to prison eventually to be executed. In her madness, Marfa mistakes Gryaznoi for Lykov, inviting him to return the next day to visit her, then dies.